Latest News for Optimal Health - 5G, Digestion, Immune Boosting, etc.

The Extraordinary Bond: Nurturing the Connection Between Mother and Baby

The Extraordinary Bond: Nurturing the Connection Between Mother and Baby

The bond between a mother and her baby is an awe-inspiring phenomenon. It begins long before birth and continues to deepen in the precious moments after. The journey of motherhood...

How to boost your fertility in summer... and have a baby in 2023!

How to boost your fertility in summer... and have a baby in 2023!

It’s a brand new year, of possibilities and opportunities ahead of us over the next twelve months. You may have set some goals and motivational resolutions for yourself, and one of those may be to fall pregnant this year. Did you know that you can actively improve your fertility in the summer months to increase your chances of conception at the beginning of the year?

Creating a Perfectly Healthy Family: Understanding Fertility and Ovulation

Creating a Perfectly Healthy Family: Understanding Fertility and Ovulation

A woman can only get pregnant during the ‘fertile window’ in the menstrual cycle, and there are a few ways to work out when you’re ovulating. It's important to note that your chance of getting pregnant is dramatically increased if you have sex on the day of ovulation, or up to five days before that.



Are you pulling your hair out over your baby’s endless crying for hours on end? Don’t worry… many parents are. Your baby most likely has a very common condition known as colic, which usually starts around two to six weeks and generally goes away on its own after about three or four months. That may seem a like a long time to put up with so much crying and lack of sleep, though…. So here are some helpful tips and guidelines to better understand colic and how to comfort your baby (and yourself too!)

Anxiety during and after pregnancy: signs, symptoms and how to manage it

Anxiety during and after pregnancy: signs, symptoms and how to manage it

Pregnancy can be a very emotional experience. Many women experience increased anxiety while pregnant, and even after they have given birth. It’s important to not feel like you are a failure or feel guilty about feeling anxious when it seems like everyone around you expects you to be happy all the time. In fact, anxiety during pregnancy is very common: more than 1 in 10 pregnant women experience it during their pregnancies.

How Male Fertility Can Affect Conception

How Male Fertility Can Affect Conception

Trying to have a baby? Ovulation and female fertility are usually topics which come up most in conversation, but how much do you know about male fertility? And how can you boost your sperm count naturally if you’re trying to become a father?

Your baby's brain on music

Your baby's brain on music

Research has proven that music plays a key role in brain development before birth. Listening to music during pregnancy has a soothing and uplifting effect on the pregnant woman, as well as a positive influence on the unborn baby. Music ignites all areas of child development and cognitive skills, particularly when it comes to language acquisition and reading skills.

Newborns: What to know about mouth structure, breastfeeding and tongue-tie

Newborns: What to know about mouth structure, breastfeeding and tongue-tie

Did you know that the structure and function of a newborn baby’s mouth can affect the child’s lifelong processes of feeding and even speech?

In this article we will talk about face, mouth and throat characteristics in newborn babies and infants, which will help you as parents to identify normal versus abnormal physiology. This can really help your baby with feeding and speech in the long term as it develops in its early years. We will also talk about positioning and attachment for breastfeeding, as well a tongue-tie in newborn babies. 

What to Expect When You're Expecting: Pregnancy Information and Advice!

What to Expect When You're Expecting: Pregnancy Information and Advice!

Have you just found out that you're pregnant, or planning to have a baby in 2022? Here is what to expect when you're expecting!

Pregnancy is a very exciting time in a woman's life, full of big changes, new experiences, and a myriad of body transformations. It can also be a very daunting time, particularly for new moms.

Trying to fall pregnant? Here's how to boost your ovulation and fertility

Trying to fall pregnant? Here's how to boost your ovulation and fertility

After they’ve made the decision to have a baby, many women try to do everything they can to conceive during their next cycle, but it’s important to remember that getting pregnant can take time, and for some couples, trying to get pregnant can be very tough.