Latest News for Optimal Health - 5G, Digestion, Immune Boosting, etc.

The Extraordinary Bond: Nurturing the Connection Between Mother and Baby

The Extraordinary Bond: Nurturing the Connection Between Mother and Baby

The bond between a mother and her baby is an awe-inspiring phenomenon. It begins long before birth and continues to deepen in the precious moments after. The journey of motherhood...

Optimal health starts with a healthy thyroid

Optimal health starts with a healthy thyroid

If you want to maintain optimal health, the best way to do that is by taking good care of your thyroid. A healthy thyroid plays a crucial role in maintaining overall health and well-being. The thyroid gland, located in the neck, produces hormones that regulate metabolism, which is the process by which the body converts food into energy. A healthy metabolism is essential for maintaining a healthy weight, maintaining energy levels, and supporting overall health.

How to boost your fertility in summer... and have a baby in 2023!

How to boost your fertility in summer... and have a baby in 2023!

It’s a brand new year, of possibilities and opportunities ahead of us over the next twelve months. You may have set some goals and motivational resolutions for yourself, and one of those may be to fall pregnant this year. Did you know that you can actively improve your fertility in the summer months to increase your chances of conception at the beginning of the year?

Creating a Perfectly Healthy Family: Understanding Fertility and Ovulation

Creating a Perfectly Healthy Family: Understanding Fertility and Ovulation

A woman can only get pregnant during the ‘fertile window’ in the menstrual cycle, and there are a few ways to work out when you’re ovulating. It's important to note that your chance of getting pregnant is dramatically increased if you have sex on the day of ovulation, or up to five days before that.

Anxiety taking over your life? Here's how to stay calm

Anxiety taking over your life? Here's how to stay calm

It’s that in-between time of year: between halfway and the end of it, when work deadlines and ‘final pushes’ are all you’re hearing about, and you just want it to be the Christmas holidays already. You may be feeling stressed, squeezed, and overwhelmed, and that's when anxiety and burnout can multiply, causing you to feel depressed and stressed. In this blog, we will unpack how to manage stress and anxiety for your peace of mind and your piece of mindfulness, for a happier, more balanced you.

Sleep: It's More Important Than You Think!

Sleep: It's More Important Than You Think!

Sleep is vital for our longevity and for a healthy mind and body. When we sleep, our brains physically repair our bodies and regulate important hormones, which control the functioning of our bodies during the day. If we don’t get the right amount of sleep or the right kind of sleep in the long term, then our bodies will not be properly repaired during the night.

Perfectly Healthy Cellfood body oxygen cells health

Breathe Easy: Your Body’s Cells and Oxygen

Everyone knows that we can't survive very long without oxygen, but do we know exactly why? Here are ten reasons why oxygen matters so much in the human body

Stress-Free Pets Are Happy Pets

Stress-Free Pets Are Happy Pets

Did you know? Pets suffer from anxiety too, just like we do....Like us, animals can develop anxiety. Victims of cruelty, abuse or neglect, may be especially prone to anxiety. But anxiety...