Latest News for Optimal Health - 5G, Digestion, Immune Boosting, etc.

Anxiety taking over your life? Here's how to stay calm

Anxiety taking over your life? Here's how to stay calm

It’s that in-between time of year: between halfway and the end of it, when work deadlines and ‘final pushes’ are all you’re hearing about, and you just want it to be the Christmas holidays already. You may be feeling stressed, squeezed, and overwhelmed, and that's when anxiety and burnout can multiply, causing you to feel depressed and stressed. In this blog, we will unpack how to manage stress and anxiety for your peace of mind and your piece of mindfulness, for a happier, more balanced you.



Are you pulling your hair out over your baby’s endless crying for hours on end? Don’t worry… many parents are. Your baby most likely has a very common condition known as colic, which usually starts around two to six weeks and generally goes away on its own after about three or four months. That may seem a like a long time to put up with so much crying and lack of sleep, though…. So here are some helpful tips and guidelines to better understand colic and how to comfort your baby (and yourself too!)

Sleep: It's More Important Than You Think!

Sleep: It's More Important Than You Think!

Sleep is vital for our longevity and for a healthy mind and body. When we sleep, our brains physically repair our bodies and regulate important hormones, which control the functioning of our bodies during the day. If we don’t get the right amount of sleep or the right kind of sleep in the long term, then our bodies will not be properly repaired during the night.

Guys, it’s time to get comfortable with an uncomfortable topic: your prostate

Guys, it’s time to get comfortable with an uncomfortable topic: your prostate

Prostate issues seem to be appearing in younger and younger men. Yet, many men aren't sure what their prostate is, what it does, or what to do if they think...

How Painful are Kidney Stones? And other facts about kidney stones

How Painful are Kidney Stones? And other facts about kidney stones

DID YOU KNOW?.... Your kidneys are constantly at work. Every day, the kidneys process over 180 litres of blood and sift out nearly 2 litres of waste products and water. Healthy kidneys filter...

Perfectly Healthy Cellfood body oxygen cells health

Breathe Easy: Your Body’s Cells and Oxygen

Everyone knows that we can't survive very long without oxygen, but do we know exactly why? Here are ten reasons why oxygen matters so much in the human body

Stress-Free Pets Are Happy Pets

Stress-Free Pets Are Happy Pets

Did you know? Pets suffer from anxiety too, just like we do....Like us, animals can develop anxiety. Victims of cruelty, abuse or neglect, may be especially prone to anxiety. But anxiety...

Burning Up: How Stress Impacts Heartburn and How to Manage it

Burning Up: How Stress Impacts Heartburn and How to Manage it

If you have ever experienced a burning, uncomfortable sensation in your chest or throat that has nothing to do with your heart, you have experienced how very unpleasant and disruptive heartburn can be. Heartburn is a natural response to stomach acids, and is largely caused by eating the wrong types of foods, but can also be aggravated by other factors such as stress.

Ironing out Anemia: It's All About Iron Levels in the Body

Ironing out Anemia: It's All About Iron Levels in the Body

If you have anemia, your blood does not carry enough oxygen to the rest of your body. The most common cause of anemia is not having enough iron.

Use this easy Mindset Shift to Lose Weight Fast:

Use this easy Mindset Shift to Lose Weight Fast:

Apply this strange mindset to lose weight like a machine....

What do probiotics have to do with your immune system?......

What do probiotics have to do with your immune system?......

The answer: Everything!  Did you know? Probiotics are living microorganisms, and you already have some of them in your body. Others come from food, specifically fermented foods such as yogurt, for...

Boost Your Immune System and Stay Healthy This Winter!

Boost Your Immune System and Stay Healthy This Winter!

We all know that boosting our immune systems prevents us from getting sick. But how does it actually work, and what does the immune system actually consist of?

Do you suffer from painful piles? Here is everything you need to know!

Do you suffer from painful piles? Here is everything you need to know!

Anyone who has had piles (or hemorrhoids) knows just how painful, itchy and uncomfortable they can be.... What are Piles? Piles are the result of swollen veins in the lower...

Natural vs Chemical Cleaning Products: What to Know and What to Buy

Natural vs Chemical Cleaning Products: What to Know and What to Buy

Introducing Perfectly Healthy's new range of Eco-Friendly Cleaning Products!
Following an increased demand for natural and eco-conscious cleaning products, we have launched a range of products that is kind to the environment - and to you - while keeping your home hygienically clean and smelling fresh and clean.

Achieve Your Body Goals the Perfectly Healthy Way!

Achieve Your Body Goals the Perfectly Healthy Way!

Do you find your self feeling a sense of low self esteem, lack of confidence and unaccomplished body goals? Have you been wanting to feel and look great while also...

Anxiety during and after pregnancy: signs, symptoms and how to manage it

Anxiety during and after pregnancy: signs, symptoms and how to manage it

Pregnancy can be a very emotional experience. Many women experience increased anxiety while pregnant, and even after they have given birth. It’s important to not feel like you are a failure or feel guilty about feeling anxious when it seems like everyone around you expects you to be happy all the time. In fact, anxiety during pregnancy is very common: more than 1 in 10 pregnant women experience it during their pregnancies.