Are you pulling your hair out over your baby’s endless crying for hours on end? Don’t worry… many parents are. Your baby most likely has a very common condition known as colic, which usually starts around two to six weeks and generally goes away on its own after about three or four months. That may seem a like a long time to put up with so much crying and lack of sleep, though…. So here are some helpful tips and guidelines to better understand colic and how to comfort your baby (and yourself too!)

What Is Colic?

Colic is when an infant who isn’t sick or hungry cries for more than 3 hours a day, more than 3 days a week, for more than 3 weeks. The condition is a bit of a mystery, but experts agree on a few things:

Colic is likely to start around 2 weeks of age if your infant is full-term, or later if they were born prematurely.

It almost always goes away on its own by 3 or 4 months of age.

It can happen regardless of your baby's sex, their birth order, and whether you breast- or bottle-feed.

Kids who had colic grow up no differently from those who didn’t.

Colic Causes

Doctors don’t know exactly what causes colic. Some theories about what’s behind it include:

A growing digestive system with muscles that often spasm


Hormones that cause belly pain or crankiness

A sensitivity to light, noise, etc., or too much stimulation

A developing nervous system

An early form of childhood migraine

Fear, frustration, or excitement

Many health conditions can look like colic.
If you're worried about your baby, your doctor can do a full exam to rule out problems such as:

An infection

Acid reflux or stomach problems

Eating too much or not enough

A sensitivity to formula or breast milk

Pressure or inflammation in their brain and nervous system

Eye trouble, like a scratch or increased pressure

Uneven heartbeat

Injury to bones, muscles, or fingers

Colic Symptoms

Infants often show signs of colic at the same time every day, usually in the evening. You might notice that your child cries:

With no clear reason (such as hunger or a dirty diaper)

Like they’re in pain

Along with clenched fists, stiff arms, an arched back, or curled legs

While turning bright red

Your child might swallow a lot of air while they’re crying. This can give them gas and make their belly tight or swollen.

Colic Diagnosis

There’s no test for colic. Your baby’s doctor will ask about their symptoms and medical history. The doctor will do a physical exam, focusing on things like:

Energy level

Skin tone


Body temperature


They might order some tests to rule out other problems.

Colic Treatment

Because there’s no clear cause of colic, there’s no one treatment. Your child’s doctor will recommend some things that might calm them down. Try them one at a time. If one doesn’t work after a few days, try another.

Colic will get better on its own. You may just have to wait for the fussiness to improve when your baby is about 4 months old.

How can you soothe your colicky baby?

Make sure they aren’t hungry.

If you’re breastfeeding, ask your doctor whether the medications you take or the food you eat might cause irritation or an allergic reaction in your child.

Change their body position. Have them sit up or lie down. Hold them while you walk around. Rock them or massage their back.

Use a pacifier/dummy.

Swaddle your baby.

Hold them with their bare skin against your own.

Use white noise (like a fan, washing machine, or dishwasher) or a recording of a heartbeat.

Take them for a car ride.

Put them in a swing or vibrating seat.

Parent Self-Care for Colic-Induced Stress

A baby with colic can be a challenge. Many parents feel overwhelmed, angry, or resentful toward a cranky child. These feelings don’t make you a bad parent. Remember that you didn’t cause the colic and that it will get better.

It’s OK to put your baby in a crib or playpen for 10 minutes or so while you leave the room to collect yourself. Ask friends, family, or babysitters for help if you need a break. Lowering your own stress level will help your baby, too.

Important disclaimer

No matter how impatient or angry you become, a baby should never be shaken. Shaking an infant hard can cause blindness, brain damage, or even death. Let your own doctor know if you are depressed or are having trouble dealing with your emotions. They can recommend ways to help.

And lastly: remember that they will eventually outgrow this phase, and before you know it your baby will be happy and smiling again! Just hang in there.

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