Latest News for Optimal Health - 5G, Digestion, Immune Boosting, etc.

Have you heard about Tongkat Ali? You’re not alone!

Have you heard about Tongkat Ali? You’re not alone!

Tongkat ali, also known as longjack or Eurycoma longifolia, is a herbal remedy that has been used for centuries in Southeast Asia and other regions. It has been traditionally used to help fight fatigue, lower blood sugar levels, support cognitive function, and more.

Optimal health starts with a healthy thyroid

Optimal health starts with a healthy thyroid

If you want to maintain optimal health, the best way to do that is by taking good care of your thyroid. A healthy thyroid plays a crucial role in maintaining overall health and well-being. The thyroid gland, located in the neck, produces hormones that regulate metabolism, which is the process by which the body converts food into energy. A healthy metabolism is essential for maintaining a healthy weight, maintaining energy levels, and supporting overall health.

Anxiety taking over your life? Here's how to stay calm

Anxiety taking over your life? Here's how to stay calm

It’s that in-between time of year: between halfway and the end of it, when work deadlines and ‘final pushes’ are all you’re hearing about, and you just want it to be the Christmas holidays already. You may be feeling stressed, squeezed, and overwhelmed, and that's when anxiety and burnout can multiply, causing you to feel depressed and stressed. In this blog, we will unpack how to manage stress and anxiety for your peace of mind and your piece of mindfulness, for a happier, more balanced you.

Perfectly Healthy Cellfood body oxygen cells health

Breathe Easy: Your Body’s Cells and Oxygen

Everyone knows that we can't survive very long without oxygen, but do we know exactly why? Here are ten reasons why oxygen matters so much in the human body

Ironing out Anemia: It's All About Iron Levels in the Body

Ironing out Anemia: It's All About Iron Levels in the Body

If you have anemia, your blood does not carry enough oxygen to the rest of your body. The most common cause of anemia is not having enough iron.

What do probiotics have to do with your immune system?......

What do probiotics have to do with your immune system?......

The answer: Everything!  Did you know? Probiotics are living microorganisms, and you already have some of them in your body. Others come from food, specifically fermented foods such as yogurt, for...

Boost Your Immune System and Stay Healthy This Winter!

Boost Your Immune System and Stay Healthy This Winter!

We all know that boosting our immune systems prevents us from getting sick. But how does it actually work, and what does the immune system actually consist of?

Has depression taken the joy out of your life?

Has depression taken the joy out of your life?

South Africa currently experiences high rates of depression. The South African Depression and Anxiety Group (SADAG) estimates that around 9.8% of South Africa's adult population experiences major (clinical) depression at some point in their life - that's more than 5 million people.